Before Undergoing Panchakarma
- It is important to discuss your allergies and any previous difficulties you experienced with your doctor.
- Additionally, your doctor needs to be made aware of any current pregnancy, menstruation, or breastfeeding.
- Familiarizing yourself with the full procedure and confirming with your physician that you can commit to the regimen is essential.
- Informing them of any plans to be away from home is also recommended.
- Consult with your doctor or therapist regarding diet throughout the procedure, and keep in mind to stay away from extreme heat or cold, excessive day-time sleep, alcohol, and smoking while the schedule is active.

Panchakarma & Allied Procedure Details
Duration: – Morning 20 minutes.
Procedure: – The face, shoulder and neck is gently massaged with warm medicated oil. A mild but steady flow of steam is applied over these areas. Few drops of medicated oil are installed in the nasal cavity. A warm herbal decoction is given for gargling.
Useful in: – Treating sinusitis, frozen shoulder, migraine, cervical spondylosis
Recommended course duration: – 7 days
Duration: -14-20 days (for complete procedure).
Procedure: – Both the procedures are meant for entire body purification. They differed mainly in the method of purification. In Vaman, purification is done by oral route that is by controlled emesis method, in Virechan the anal route is used (purgation). To begin with Initially, increasing dose of medicated ghee is administered for 3-7 days depending upon severity of disease followed by the whole body massage and steam fomentation for 1 day prior to Vaman and for 2 days prior to Virechan.
Emesis is introduced by giving a mixture of honey, herbs and medicated decoction. In case of Virechan, purgation is carried out by tablets / decoction or both. After these procedures, 3-7 days of strict dietary regime is advised
Useful in: – Treating hyper acidity, all skin problems including psoriasis, infertility, PCOD, respiratory diseases like asthma, urticaria, chronic digestive tract disorders, hormonal problems, obesity, for general well-being.
Duration: -Morning or Evening, 10-15 minutes.
Procedure: – The lower abdomen and back is gently massaged with warm medicated oil. Medicated oil / decoction/ special formulations prepared under doctor supervision are carefully inserted through the anal route with the help of a lubricated rubber catheter. A novel, safe and effective way of medicine administration in most of the neuromuscular disorders. It is called as ‘HALF THE TREATMENT’ in Ayurved
Useful in: -Treating all vata disorders, lumbar spondylosis, all types of neuromuscular disorders, chronic constipation, PCOS and other gynaecological problems, hormonal problems, constipation, bone- joint disorders, obesity.
Recommended course duration: – 8-15-30 days
Duration: – 45-50 minutes.
Procedure: – Leech/es is applied on the affected part. One or More Leech provide a painless and safe solution for removing the vitiated blood in the affected area, thereby improving blood circulation. Alternatively, a vein flow also can be used for blood in major problems.
Useful in: – Treating varicose veins, skin disease, acne, non-healing ulcers, high blood pressure.
Recommended course duration: -repeat after 7-14 days or as suggested by Ayurvedic Physician
Duration: -Morning or Evening 10-15 minutes.
Procedure: – This is done with or without a prior massage. You have to sit / lie down comfortably in a wooden chamber. The neck is covered by a layer of cloth to avoid leakage of steam, so that entire body gets enough steam derived from medicated decoction
Useful in: – Treating all vata disorders, neuromuscular disorders, heaviness of body, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, stiffness of muscles, also done prior to vaman and virechan.
Recommended course duration: – 3-7 days
Duration: – Morning / Evening 45-50 minutes.
Procedure: – A steady stream of warm liquid (decoction/ oil/ Takra-Buttermilk) is poured on the forehead from a height of 8-10 cm, through Shirodhara yantra. The therapist will move the vessel to both sides of the forehead equally so that the flow of liquid reaches both sides properly.
Useful in: – Treating stress, anxiety, sleep disorders, migraine, high blood pressure, Psoriasis, peri- menopausal syndrome.
Recommended course duration: – 3-10 days
Duration: – 20 Mins.
Procedure: – A well knitted dough is arranged in the affected area in circular shape like a well. Warm medicated oil is slowly poured in the arc. Its uniform temperature is maintained throughout the process by replacing oil with warm oil from outside at regular intervals.
Useful in: – Treating lumbar/cervical spondylosis, knee pain, knee swelling, ischemic heart disease.
Recommended course duration:- 3-10 days
Duration: – Morning or Evening, 20 minutes.
Procedure: – A well knitted dough is arranged surrounding the orbital area in circular shape like a well. Warm medicated liquified ghee is slowly poured in the arc. Its uniform temperature is maintained throughout the process by replacing the ghee regularly from outside. You have to close and open your eyes as per instruction of your physician.
Useful in: – Treating Eye disorders like glaucoma, vision defect, refractive error, computer vision syndrome
Recommended course duration:- 3-10 days
Duration: – Morning or Evening, 10-15 minutes. 7,14, 21 days
Procedure: – You have to lie down in a relaxed manner. The whole body is gently, systematically massaged with medicated oil. The medicated oil is warmed by using hot water bath till it attains a suitable temperature. The piece of cloth is then dipped in the warm oil, and poured all over the body in a continuous stream by keeping one hand in a thumbs down position. Another hand is simultaneously used for gentle but firm message. This is done in a rhythmic and systemic manner.
Useful in: – Treating all vata disorders, neuromuscular disorders, paralysis, ligament pain, sprain, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, stiffness of muscles, hemiplegia, for rejuvenation.
Recommended course duration:- 10 days
Duration: – Morning / Evening, 45-50 minutes. (Massage 35-40 minutes + steam fomentation 10- 15 minutes)
Procedure: – The whole body is gently massaged with medicated oil/ herbal powder in a rhythmic and systematic manner. Fomentation is done by using a steady flow of steam from boiling medical decoction.
Useful in: – Treating paralysis, whole body pain, fatigue, stress, neuromuscular disorders. It also rejuvenates body and Improves tone and lustre of the skin. Powder massage is especially done for treating obesity and related disorders.
Recommended course duration: – 3-7 days
Duration: -Morning / Evening, 45-50 minutes. (Massage 35-40 minutes + medicated rice bolus fomentation 10-15 minutes)
Procedure: – The whole body is gently massaged with medicated oil in a rhythmic and systematic manner. Application of the medicated rice bolus (dipped in the specially prepared combination of boiling milk and herbal decoction) is done in a synchronized manner to the affected part. At the end of the procedure, the thick paste of rice is spread all over the body to get maximum effect.
Useful in – Treating paralysis, neuromuscular disorders like G. B. syndrome, muscular dystrophy, weakness and wasting of muscles.
Recommended course duration: – 14 days
Duration: – Morning/ Evening, 10-15 minutes. (Steam fomentation/ Patra pinda 10-15 minutes)
Procedure: – The affected part is subjected to fomentation by means of the steady stream of medicated decoction and /or the medicated herbal bolus on the affected part in a synchronized manner by heating it with various medicated oils.
Useful in:- Treating arthritis, rheumatoid, sciatica, calcaneal pain, muscle sprain, muscle spasm, frozen shoulder, cervical and lumbar spondylosis. Patrapinda is especially useful in pain, swelling and stiffness of joints, muscle pull and spasm, peripheral neuritis, backache, Pain due to tendonitis, synovitis.
Recommended course duration: – 3-7 days
Duration: – Morning/ Evening, 5 minutes.
Procedure: – The Panchadhatu (made with 5 metals) shalaka or Suvarna (golden) Shalaka is heated till it becomes hot red. The affected part is marked with pen /marker and then the heated shalaka is applied on the marks with gentle pressure for fraction of second. Aloe Vera cut leaf or medical cream is applied on the affected part.
Useful in: – Treating arthritis, rheumatoid, sciatica, calcaneal pain, muscle sprain, muscle spasm, frozen shoulder, cervical and lumbar spondylosis, stiffness of joints, muscle pull and spasm, peripheral neuritis, backache, Pain due to tendonitis, synovitis etc.
Recommended course duration: – once in 10/15 days
Ayurved is the ancient science of life, health, and longevity. It contains multiple secrets to achieve a happy and healthy life. As the name suggests, this science of life holds knowledge on every element of life. The science of Ayurved is meant to preserve a person’s wellbeing through the daily and seasonal diets and lifestyles that are suggested.
As per the Ayurved, Dosha Dhatu and Mala, these three components form the pillars of life. The three active components that manage the daily activities of humans are Vata, Pitta and Kapha, known as Dosha. Saptadhatu is the solid skeletal framework on which the body is based. On the other hand, Mala consists of excretory products like sweat, stool and urine which assist in detoxifying the body.
Any abnormalities or imbalances of these structures lead to illness. Therefore, the treatment primarily involves restoring balance in the body. Each person has a distinctive combination of the fundamentals of Ayurved, which is known as Prakruti Parikshan. This indicates that Ayurved is a personalized science as every person is treated uniquely based on their needs.
Treatment is only administered after the careful consideration of several factors. To begin with, the identification of the Prakruti must be done to recognise the distinct combination of Dosha-Dhatu-Mala in each individual. Afterwards, the detection of Vikruti is also necessary, meaning to analyze the anomalies in Dosha, Dhatu and Mala.
Once the physician has evaluated the body and has assessed the health of the patient, the suitable modality of treatment is then decided. The treatment involves Shaman (palliative) or Shodhan (purification through Panchakarma), or a combination of both depending on the strength and severity of the patient’s illness.
The term Panchakarma is composed of two words: ‘Pancha’ meaning five and ‘Karma’ meaning procedure. It is a purification therapy with five processes that helps in the removal of toxins from the body.
The Charak school of thought outlines Vaman, Virechan, Nasya, Sneha Basti and Kashaya Basti as the five procedures of Panchakarma. On the other hand, Sushrut’s school of thought defines Vaman, Virechan, Nasya, Basti and Raktamokshan as Panchakarma.
The purification therapy of Panchakarma can be used by healthy people for sustaining health as well as individuals suffering from illness to eliminate the main cause of the ailment.
The Ayurvedic school of medicine suggests two treatment approaches: Shaman (palliative) and Shodhan (purification). Shaman therapy utilises medicines such as tablets, capsules, decoctions, syrups or medicated ghee to treat a patient. If the disease becomes chronic, complicated and difficult to manage, then purification therapy such as Panchakarma is required. This therapy aims to address and eliminate the root cause of the disease.
If you are a healthy person wishing to stay fit for a long time, you can certainly do Panchakarma. If you have any chronic or acute condition, this decision should be made in consultation with your physician.
It is not necessary to do all five procedures at once. Your physician will advise you to do one or more of the processes based on the doshik dominance. Vaman and Virechan are complete cleansing procedures and take approximately two weeks each. Basti and Nasya require around a week, while Raktamokshan only needs one day. However, these estimations can change depending on the doshik dominance and the judgement of your physician.